It is easy to create your blog now and you don't need any domain name, web charges which are required to create an website. Blogs can be more easily created with the help of a service called blogger. They provide this facility for free and any one call create a blog on anything through a blogger.

You can earn money, share your views, provide valuable information and even sell products through your blog. We will discuss this things a little later first of all let use see how you can create your blog with a blogger. Lets get started for blogging. First you open the home page of Google search engine. Type 'blogger' and search for blogger sites. The engine will display you number of blogger sites. You can click on any one you like and get started with the information inside.
In most cases you will need to sign up with a user name and password which you would require every time you want to enter your blog to modify changes or add new elements to it. The user name and password must be kept to your self only and you mustn't forget them. The comes the easy step to name your blog. Name it as you like or related to the topic you choose for. Then you can choose the template that is design of your blog. Once you have finished it you can create posts and new posts. You submit the content and follow the instructions given by blogger. Your blog is ready.
Now lets move to money making business. In most bloggers you will get offers to make money by different programs like link exchange where other websites will be willing to add their text links on your bog. Then there could be companies who would urge you to promote their products and write articles on them. They might be willing to pay you for writing and will give you a commission on every sell for visitors who went to their website from your blog. You must read the terms and conditions of a blogger and sign in for a blog to understand how you can utilize your blog with their service.