You can use your blog to earn some extra money every month. Make money blogging is a good option for students and housewives to earn some extra money every month. Many people have blogs but they don't know the proper techniques of make money blogging. Let me tell you some easy ways to earn money though your blogs.

Though there are several ways that you will find to earn money through your blogs but there are three methods which generate more income than others and are quite easy to do so. The first step is off course to create your blog and then look for opportunities for making money. You can create your blog with the help of a blogger for free and start earing. Lets come back to our topic of discussion and see how you can 'make money blogging' by the following methods.
ADVERTISEMENTS - If you can make your blog really popular you will have more visitors to your blog everyday. You will get offers from big companies and other popular websites for advertisements of their products on your blog. The companies will really pay you handsome if you advertise their links or products in your index page and once you do this you will better offers with lucrative money making options. You can expand your blog for such offers and increase your income.
WRITE REVIEWS - If you write reviews of products and services of different companies in your blog and visitors flood to your blog you will paid by the companies. They would like your initiative as its also a kind of advertisement and they are not working hard to write reviews. Your reviews must be written with a positive impression for the visitors. The more experience you gain the more money offer you get though make money blogging.
GET PAID FOR BLOGGING - Again there are companies which will pay you simply for blogging. They need people who can blog on their products and services in different blogs. They would hire bloggers for the task and if they find home bloggers like you their expenses get curved and pay you more. But his type of make money blogging is periodical and not regular income.