In the Star Topology, computers are connected by cable segments to a centralized device known as hub. Signals are transmitted from the sending computer through the controller on the central hub to the receiving computer. As each computer is connected to a central point, this topology requires a great deal of cabling. Also, if the central controller fails, the entire network is disabled. However, if one computer, or the cable that connects it to the hub fails, the rest of the network continues to function normally.
Star Network
Note: A hub is a device used to centralize network traffic through a single connection point. Hubs can be of two types: active and passive hub. An active hub regenerates and transmits the signals. It requires electrical power to run. A passive hub acts as a connection point and does not amplify or regenerate the signal. Passive hubs do not require electrical power to run. Signals after travelling some distance, become weak. Regeneration is the process by which the signals are given more power to travel further.