Body by jake product is among all those exercise equipment which ensures that the user is getting maximum result out of minimum workouts. Body by jake ab and thigh rocker has shown some leading extensive results on its users as compare with other costly product similar to body by jake. Body by Jake includes equipments like AB scissors ultra, Hip & thigh sculptor, cardio cruiser and many more. It gives a complete workout to all your muscles. Its biggest achievement is persuading people to adopt a healthy and fit lifestyle. The prices of these equipments range from $10 to $400.
Ab scissor sculptor abdominal muscles, thigh and buns and hence it work dually as body by jake bun and thigh rocker. As compare with other equipments, body by jake put higher resistance on the user’s muscles. In fact by using body by jake 15 minutes a day can lead to rocking and superb sculptured body.
Body by jake is not too costly like other exercise equipments nor it occupies large space. It can be used at any time or even when you are watching TV.