If you have been thinking of buying a forklift, then you have a plenty of choices. And I am gonna tell you the best choice. Forklift used is the best choice for the ones who do not want to dig in deep money for investment in forklift. The reconditioned or forklift used is an excellent option for you if you want to try your hands on the truck before going in for some big investment.
The reason behind getting a forklift used is that kind of used forklifts available in the market today. The forklifts are reconditioned to make them efficient as the new ones. What’s more the same efficiency is available on slashed prices. I would rather say these prices for unbelievable.
Now lets get on the prices straight away. The new forklift truck may cost you anywhere between 25000 to 28000 dollars. Now that’s a big amount. The prices vary upon the kind of engine and its capacity. You would rather be surprised to know that a reconditioned or forklift used is available on less then the half of prices.
Yes, you can get a forklift used for 10,000 to 12000 dollars depending upon the kind of engine and capacity provided to you by the dealer. A 5,000 lb IC forklift used will cost you around 10,000 dollars, and a 3000 lb electronic forklift used will be prices around 8.000 dollars.
You can find the used forklift very easily at the reconditioning shops and also on the internet. Do some research before actually buying it in the market, so that you are well aware of the prices and are not fooled by any dealer.
The best way to do the homework is to search the internet. There are a number of dealers and information site where you can get genuine prices of forklift used. Just sit in front of the computer and do a comparative study of different offers to select the best one.